I've been the WORST blogger over the last month! In all honesty, I think we all go through seasons of pure busyness and the last thing we have time for is reflection. It sounds terrible I know! I've taken pics over the last month only to find I never get to uploading them let alone doing a blog. I miss it so much but there are times when priority's take over and unfortunately this has not been one of them! Long story short, I hope I can take the time to blog about our life because it's something that "Sam" truly enjoys doing!
On a WHOLE other note....I'm officially 5 months along and feeling great. My energy is back and we are sooo sooo excited about numero tres. Kennedy has been convinced that we are having a girl along with everyone else except ME. Before I told my mom I was pregnant she actually saw a pink embryo in the moon (it sounds a bit crazy but in some way extremely fascinating)! So while everyone was saying girl, girl, girl I had my own ideas that it was ALL boy. I'm carrying low and from previous ultrasounds I swore I saw a little you know what! Well the anticipation ended today with a bet between Jared and I. If it was a BOY, I got my Chinese lunch and if it was a GIRL, Jared got his beloved Chipotle.
drum roll please....
CHIPOTLE it was!!!!
We are proud to announce that we are having another sweet little girl!
If your not an ultrasound tech, this picture may look a bit off. Our midwife only printed the picture of the "girl parts" so there is no head, arms, etc. in this image. Her leg is on the left side with her rump on the right (the part that looks like a circle). We originally thought we were 18 weeks at this point but our midwife confirmed we are 20 weeks along.
Baby name game here we come!