If you know me, then you know that I'm extra extra filled with emotions! I've always been that way and at times I can be the biggest cry baby ever! I also know that God designed me to be sensitive and so I try my best to embrace that extra extra packed emotional package He gave me!
This past week, has been filled with just that....MAJOR EMOTIONS! (FYI: it doesn't help that I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant!)
For one, my younger sister Nicole got married last weekend. She was a beautiful bride and I'm so happy for her and this amazing journey she now gets to experience. It seems like yesterday that she came home from the hospital and to see her walking down the aisle was oh so BEAUTIFUL! While I documented the weekend as best as I could, I didn't get ANY pics of the blushing bride in her dress! SO SORRY SIS! I know you'll have a many pics coming your way!
Getting Ready for Rehearsal Night
Mr. Landon Was The Official "Ring Bearer Security"...he took his role pretty seriously!
The Flower Girl All Curled Up
Mr. Landon Flirting Away...he grabbed her hand and started dancing with her! It was seriously the cutest thing I ever did see!
11:00 hit and our Flower Girl officially called it a night
All my beautiful sisters!
OK...on to the other EMOTIONAL event!
Wednesday of last week (the night of my sisters bachelorette party) I received a call from our OB doctor. I knew from the moment we started talking something MAJOR was up. She proceeded to tell me that they found a potential sacrococcygeal teratoma tumor on our baby's last ultrasound. If that news wasn't scary enough, she told us that the kidney's were enlarged as well! I was shocked to say the least and the last thing I expected to hear was that our normal pregnancy had turned abnormal.
While I tried my best to enjoy the wedding, I knew we were faced with potential problems ahead. When we got back to D.C. we were refereed to a specialist to do another ultrasound. It was scheduled in a day and I did WAY to much research before hand. I knew exactly what this tumor meant and I was SCARED! I prayed that this would all just go away...I prayed that God would get us through this...I prayed that our unborn child would be ok. As we walked into our ultrasound I was filled with emotion. I knew that in the next minutes and hours we would be faced with either good news or bad news.
The doctor confirmed that one kidney is enlarged but more importantly there was NO tumor found!!! Seriously! Jared and I were thrilled! The kidney issue is common and is a minor abnormality that can be handled after birth. To hear there was no tumor was AMAZING!
OH...and I can' t leave out one other MAJOR emotional detail....
Sounds pretty crazy I know! But there's no doubt about it...the boys will officially outnumber the girls!
"So do not fear, for I am with you; for do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand" ~ Isaiah 41:10