Friday, July 9, 2010


It's not often that us as moms sit down and do a post about ourselves; however, after literally going almost the ENTIRE pregnancy without posting about number three, I decided today was the day! So I guess it's not entirely about ME :)

We have four weeks and some change to go until we meet our little man! We are beyond excited to hold him in our arms and introduce him to our family. He's already developed quite a personality with his movements and reactions. As I rested today (yes I managed to squeeze that in), I played some Enya on my iPhone and let it rest on my belly. He loved it! Although it prevented me from sleeping, it was neat to just be in the moment and enjoy it. This was also an attempt to persuade him to get out of his breech position and avoid the dreadful version next week! 

It's been amazing watching the kids react to this pregnancy. On a daily basis, Landon lifts up my shirt and showers my belly in kisses and then there's Miss K who can't wait to feed the baby, change the baby, wash the baby, you name it and she wants to do it with the baby. 

Here is the long awaited belly shot!


Nana said...

Can't get the belly shot but I am sure it's impressive!! Can't wait to see you in less then a month
xxoo Mommie

zoom said...

Could not see it either but just take as much time to rest, you will be soooooooooooo busy afterwards girlfriend....can not wait to visit which may not be until much later than thought..take care of yourself, you are so loved Samantha!!!!!

Kimberly said...

No picture here, either! Can't believe how close you are getting. Prayers your way for a quick and safe delivery. I can't wait to hear the name you picked. : )

Beth said...

Okay...this is kinda' a cruel joke...I was SO excited to see the photo but it isn't showing up, BOO!! :) I know you're beautiful...can't wait to see that new sweet baby!!