Sunday, January 16, 2011

and it happened!

With a smile...

a little wiggle...

it happened!!!

She did it...she pulled that tooth out and was so PROUD of her accomplishment!

Miss K ran into the bathroom to catch a glimpse of her new beautiful smile! 

Tooth Fairy, here we come!!!!


Lauren Smith said...

Yeh, sooo exciting!!! Congratulations Miss K.
And to think you pulled it out yourself, WOW!
The video team did a stupendous job capturing the moment. Thanks from all who couldn't be there.

Megs said...

Yeah! Wow- miss K you are growing up!:) Let the magic of the tooth fairy begin:)

zoomer said...

Great job, so brave to do it yourself. I used a carmel candy one time to help me get one out - guess I was not as brave as you Miss K...........thanks to mom/dad for capturing the event, with sound yet!!!!